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Pittsburgh Adds Traffic Calming Measures on Greenfield Avenue

A bright yellow pedestrian crossing sign.

According to a report by WTAE-TV, Pittsburgh has introduced new traffic calming measures on Greenfield Avenue in an effort to enhance road safety and reduce speeding. Speeding is a significant danger on city streets, as it reduces a driver's ability to react to sudden changes, increases the severity of car accidents, and endangers pedestrians and cyclists. These new initiatives aim to address long-standing concerns from residents about traffic speeds and pedestrian safety in the area.

What are traffic calming measures?

Traffic calming measures are strategies designed to reduce vehicle speeds and improve pedestrian and cyclist safety. These measures can include physical changes to the roadway, such as speed bumps, raised crosswalks, narrowed lanes, and enhanced signage and traffic signals. By making deliberate alterations to the road environment, the city hopes to create a safer, more pedestrian-friendly atmosphere.

The changes on Greenfield Avenue

According to the WTAE report, the city has implemented several key changes to improve safety, including:

  • Speed Tables: Installed at regular intervals to slow down traffic and discourage speeding. A study conducted by the city showed that more than 50% of drivers on Greenfield Avenue drove over the speed limit, with one driver even clocking 86 mph.
  • Raised Crosswalks: These are designed to make pedestrians more visible to drivers and ensure safer crossing. These crosswalks are marked with bright, reflective paint and equipped with pedestrian signals.

Community impact and response

Residents of Greenfield Avenue have long advocated for these changes, citing frequent speeding and dangerous conditions for pedestrians.

"Crossing the street all the time, it was nerve-racking," said Gray Tischuk, a local resident, per WTAE. Rachel Burress, another resident, added, "People will haul up the street all the time. I know people are frustrated, and they're speeding, just trying to get home, but people speed up this road all the time."

The new traffic calming measures have been welcomed by many in the community, who believe these initiatives will significantly improve the neighborhood's safety and quality of life.

"It makes me feel a lot safer, and it's really nice to see them actually taking pedestrians into consideration because that just seems like a big problem in the city, in general, is just cars prioritized over people that walk, take the bus," Tischuk noted.

However, some drivers have expressed frustration with the changes, arguing that the new measures could lead to increased congestion and longer travel times. The city has acknowledged these concerns but maintains that the primary goal is to enhance safety for all road users.

"You know, I'm happy that they've done that. But yeah, I think there could also be more to be done," Burress said.

Severe injuries are common in speed-related accidents

Speeding remains one of the most significant factors contributing to traffic accidents, not just in Pittsburgh but across the nation. Speed-related accidents can have devastating consequences, leading to severe injuries and fatalities. That's because it increases the likelihood of accidents and the severity of collisions due to several key factors, such as:

  • Reduced reaction time: When a driver is speeding, they have less time to react to sudden changes in traffic conditions, such as a pedestrian crossing the street, a vehicle braking suddenly, or an obstacle on the road. This reduced reaction time significantly increases the risk of an accident.
  • Increased stopping distance: Higher speeds mean longer stopping distances. A speeding vehicle requires more distance to come to a complete stop, making it difficult to avoid collisions, especially in emergency situations.
  • Greater impact force: The force of impact in a collision increases exponentially with speed. This means that accidents at higher speeds are more likely to result in severe injuries or fatalities. The human body is not designed to withstand the forces generated in high-speed crashes, leading to more serious outcomes for those involved.
  • Loss of vehicle control: At higher speeds, vehicles are harder to control. Speeding drivers are more likely to lose control of their vehicles, particularly in adverse weather conditions or when making sharp turns. This loss of control can result in single-vehicle crashes or collisions with other road users.

Our Pittsburgh car accident lawyers fight for crash victims

Speed-related accidents pose a serious threat to road safety, leading to devastating consequences for victims and their families. The implementation of traffic calming measures on Greenfield Avenue is a positive step toward reducing these incidents in Pittsburgh. However, if you or a loved one has been injured in a speed-related accident, the experienced attorneys at Romanow Law Group are here to help. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your case and explore your potential legal options. Let us fight for your rights and help you obtain the justice and financial compensation you deserve.

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