Pittsburgh Medical Malpractice Lawyers

Get serious about getting compensated

We trust our doctors, nurses and other health-care providers to heal us and make us well. When medical professionals are negligent, however, the consequences can be devastating. If you’ve been hurt as a result of medical malpractice, you deserve financial compensation. The experienced medical malpractice attorneys at Romanow Law Group are ready to fight for you.

Medical professionals provide some of the most essential services in the community, but sometimes, due to lack of staffing, exhausting hours and increased demands from the insurance carriers, even professionals with the best intentions make mistakes that harm their patients. Others are simply poorly trained, negligent or reckless in their work.

Experienced lawyers who build strong cases

Common medical malpractice claims include:

  • Failure to diagnose breast cancer, lung cancer or heart defects
  • Misdiagnosis
  • Incorrect medical treatment
  • Medication errors
  • Surgical mistakes, surgery error or complication
  • Negligent nursing care
  • Failure to obtain informed consent
  • Incorrect prescriptions
  • Negligent cancer treatment or diagnosis
  • Delay in treatment
  • Hospital negligence
  • Emergency room error
  • Death
  • Brain damage
  • Spinal surgery errors
  • Birth injury
  • OB-GYN malpractice
  • Anesthesia error
  • Endoscopy error
  • Hospital infection
  • Mercury poisoning
  • Overprescribing opioids
  • Opioid addiction or death
  • Infant delivery errors

Medical malpractice occurs when a health-care provider renders treatment that falls below standards that are considered acceptable in the medical community. Malpractice can have debilitating effects on you or your loved ones, including serious injury or death, but recovering compensation can be very complicated.

Pennsylvania medical malpractice laws are vast and complex. In addition, negligent medical professionals often don’t admit to doing anything wrong. Insurance companies will fight your claim because they know there’s a lot of money at stake. and they have lawyers that work to protect their interests.

That’s why you need an experienced, knowledgeable and aggressive medical malpractice lawyer on your side. A medical negligence claim is vastly different from a general negligence claim (the type of claim most personal injury lawyers handle). These are big cases that deal with complicated medical issues.

Contact us for a free consultation

Attorney David Romanow previously worked for large law firms handling big cases and won hundreds of millions of dollars for clients in settlements and verdicts. Attorney Ismail Yousef has a doctorate in pharmacy and understands complex medical issues. Our firm is ready to handle your medical malpractice case.

Some of the elements of medical malpractice cases that need to be considered are:

  • Breach of the standard of care: The plaintiff has the burden of proving that the provider departed from accepted medical practice.
  • Causation: The plaintiff must establish that there was negligent conduct by a medical professional, and that the misconduct resulted in injury.
  • Damages: Our medical malpractice lawyers determine the total amount of damages you have suffered pain and suffering, lost wages, loss of earning capacity, past and future medical bills, out of pocket expenses and loss of enjoyment of life.

Our personal injury legal team conducts a thorough investigation of what happened to you. We gather evidence, carefully review medical records and interview witnesses. Our firm has relationships with nationally respected medical experts who we consult to determine if the standard of care was met and if there was misconduct.

We build strong cases that insurance companies must take seriously and are prepared to fight for you at trial. We aren’t seeking a quick settlement that helps the insurance company save money. Our goal is to get you maximum compensation.

If you were hurt as the result of medical malpractice, learn more about how we can help. Call 1-844-GET-MORE or contact us online to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced medical malpractice lawyers. If you can’t come to our office, we can meet you in your home or hospital room.